Hertsmere Borough Council has published three draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), which provide detailed advice and guidance on a number of their current planning policies.
The draft SPDs have been prepared to help ensure development has a positive effect on the environment and residents are invited to submit any comments on them.
In 2019, the council declared a climate emergency, committing to achieving net-zero emissions no later than 2050. The Council will now be participating in the Local Government Association’s Net Zero Innovation Programme supporting the planned roll-out of these new SPDs.
The draft Sustainable Transport and Parking Standards SPD includes details on how the council intends to promote sustainable transport and parking through changes to off-street parking requirements for new developments, including new requirements for electric car charging points, and the provision of electric car clubs and bike hire schemes.
The draft Biodiversity Net Gain SPD sets out how they intend to ensure biodiversity net gain by requiring developments over a certain size to result in an increase in biodiversity.
The draft Carbon Offsetting SPD expects developers to achieve net-zero emissions on site, but unfortunately it sets out a mechanism for buying out their obligations.
The public consultation runs until 17.00 on Tuesday 15 November, but the SPDs were also approved by the council’s Executive in September for interim use on current planning applications. Any subsequent changes will be submitted to the Executive next year.
To read and comment on any of the new SPDs, go to Hertsmere's consultation portal