Little Bushey is under attack again from developers who want to build 700 houses on green belt between Little Bushey Lane and Farm Way.
The site - named Compass Park - by owners, the Masonic Charitable Foundation is coming forward despite the Hertsmere Labour-led administation taking it out of the new draft Local Plan.
All of the land formed part of the Bushey Grange estate which was once home to a mansion and a farm.
The scheme also proposes 50% affordable housing, 70 special beds for older people, a community hub and new green spaces. Space is also reserved for a primary school on Little Bushey Lane despite the drop in the birth rate.
All these community benefits would be needed to prove 'Very Special Circumstances' for developing in the protected green belt.
The scheme, in partnership with one of the country's largest and worst social landlord's, Clarion, using their Latimer brand will be on show at the Metropolitan Sports Club on Thursday 19 September, 2-6 and Saturday 28 September, 10-2. Flyers are also being dropped to local residents.
A planning application is expected to be submitted to Hertsmere in the new year.