The planning application by develpers, Redrow, for 280 houses on Harts Farm fields is now out for public consultation.
The second attempt to develop the fields follows an unsuccessful appeal and challenge in the High Court. As predicted by campaign organisers, Little Bushey Community, this application seeks to avoid building on the main flood plain.
Principally dismissed on flood grounds, the new outline application is only 30 down from the previous 310 dwellings.
Hertsmere planners have already agreed with the applicants tha there is no need for an Environmental Impact Assessment but have reassured LBC that all environmental factors will be considered alongside the outline application.
The application will also be considered by statutory consultees such as the Local Lead Flood Authority.
As with the previous application, it seeks to get permission for the principle of development and the access from Litle Bushey Lane.
Although this site was taken out of the new draft Local Plan, Cabinet member for Planning, Infrastructure and Transport, Cllr Nik Oakley, has said that all Green Belt sites are being re triaged as a result of the Government's amendments to the National Planning Policy Framework.
Little Bushey Community is studying the application and will be issuing reasons for objecting to this development in the Green Belt in time for the consultation deadline of 30 January.